Sometimes we need a bit of laughter, advice, or maybe just an adventure! Read, dear reader, and it'll happen!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Today is mine. Today, I can either be myself, or hide behind a mask. Today, there are thousands of's up to me if I want to take action on one of them. Today is my choice if I will be the person I have always wanted to be. Today I will change somebody's life, because today There's Time Enough for Everything.

Monday, October 25, 2010


i pray day and night, thank my father in heaven for all that he has given me. thank him in my heart all day at school, at practice, and at home. why? becuase everything is a blessing. the challenges, the tests, the friends/family, and most of all, the love that we recieve. Heavenly Father knows what we're going through, becuase he's expeirienced it. Pain, suffering, ultimate joy, relief. i'm so glad that familys can be together forever.

Monday, October 11, 2010


      Dear Reader,

     I'm Athena. Yep, I took a quiz, and I'm Athena. Bahahaha!!! (this is amazing!!!!) Just thought I'd let you know that I have just a bit of sanity..... Love ya!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

What now, world? Show me what you got!

         Dear Reader,

   I'm so happy, and excited..... for no good reason! School's great, right now is great, too. Right now, I love life. I read the Hunger Games series awhile back :) and love it!!!!! Right now, I'm reading a lot. There are a lot o f books out there that make me think twice about life, about how somethings works. Why does everything have to be this way, or that? It's because that's how it was destined to be. What am I destined to be? I know. I'm supposed to be myself. How? I think before I act, before I really mess up. A second of thinking can be one life spared. But, the truth is, I honestly don't know how to be myself. You can't just try to reflect the person staring back at you, or you'd be there a long time. It's the inside that works it out, and the outside puts it into action. So, I guess there's Time Enough to figure out all that I need to know, and right now, I know just enough.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Well, guess what, life?

            Dear Reader,

  Guess what? (this counts for you too, life) I have lots of new friends!!! All of my other friends aren't that social, so they don't have the courage to talk to people they don't know. Sometimes I wonder how I became friends with them, if they hardly ever talk! Well, atleast I'm not ditching them. I have my new friends, and old friends. I love school, except fo rmath..... ugh!! Well, I've got to eat my Mac 'n Cheese!!!! (Yummy!!!!) I guess there's Time Enough to eat all the Mac 'n Cheese in the world, right?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I have the giggles..... :)

(hi Tay)    Dear Reader,

         Guess what? My locker now has signed a peace treaty with me!!! I am writing my book, and it feels as if I'm reading a different book! I'm love it, and I get the giggles when I reread over it. No, it's not cheesy, or corny. :) I love it so much, and that's what I look forward too when I get home. I'm lovin' it, and now I am going to get the ultimate b-day gift. I guess there's Time Enough to finish homework and go and play with my friend. I guess to be continued.....

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

School= locker problems.

                Dear Reader,

   I started school, and I love it! My locker, on the other hand, hates me! Until today. I was walking down the hall with my buddies, and we soon departed. I found my locker, in the middle of everything, and started my com. I winced, I had gone past the last number, and now it wouldn't open. I went back to the correct number and tried it anyway. It was magic! It opened right up, and this time the "door" didn't shake flimsily! I practically skipped down the hall, until i heard my principal yell "2 Minutes!!!!!!" at the top of her lungs. i looked down at my hands, and saw that i had opened my locker successfully, and shut it without getting my things for the next class!!! i ran back to my locker, and did my my locker com. It wouldn't open. Didn't open. Still didn't open. by now my principal was yelling one minute. i remembered that i should try to go past the last number and back. It opened. "30 seconds!" i heard. i ran to the classroom, and sat in my desk. about one second later, the bell rung. i couldn't help but smile! so i guess There's Time Enough in 30 seconds to get to class, which is nowhere near my locker.